Package Includes

Train From Nairobi to Mombasa & Transfers

SGR Train tickets services from Nairobi Kenya to Mombasa, Mombasa and Nairobi Terminus transfers, we make it easy and hassle free for you without problems or bother in your busy schedule to reserve and print the tickets and be delivered right straight to your door steps. If you're outside the country we shall organize everything for you. If you're interested in having a first class or second class to transfers from Mombasa Terminus to your preferred hotel or air BnB, Mombasa Excursions and City Tours can be arranged as well if you don’t know what to do in Mombasa from Snorkeling to Deep Diving in wasini dhow and dolphin excursion and many more. We charge $12.5 per ticket and that covers all the facilitation minus transfers. If you're looking for transfers in Nairobi and Mombasa train Terminus that can be arranged as well. You can proceed with booking on the link down below.

Stops and nice scenery along the way, the savannah land and wildlife makes it a choice for many from Nairobi to Mombasa. Train transfers are as follows, Nairobi train transfers, Mombasa train transfers, train transfers to Nyali, train transfers to Bamburi, train transfers ro Shanzu, train transfers to Kikambala, train transfers to Kilifi, train transfers to Watamu, train transfers to Malindi, train transfers to diani and Wasini.